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Monday, July 9, 2012

Extreme Weather Chaos Pounds Planet

Blogman's Notes: Extreme weather events continue to pound the planet in 2012 as they did in 2011, which was the costliest weather disaster related year in history. In just 6 months 2012 has seen its share of extreme weather that has caused billions in damage, killed hundreds, possibly thousands and left millions homeless. The latest violent weather event was the flash flood in Southern Russia that has left hundreds dead and a wake of devastation over a large area. Is the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies of the Last days being the most catastrophic for the world from not just a climate perspective but also from a Political perspective, not to mention the outbreak of pandemics that are also prophesied to kill millions? I believe that the scale of these present day storms, floods, earthquakes and other disasters is not yet on a Biblical scale. The truly terrifying and devastating Extreme weather events are yet to come. The following is a list of major Extreme weather disasters so far in 2012.

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
The devastating waters caught most of Krymsk by surprise, with the southern Russian town suffering the brunt of the death and destruction. Cars and buildings were swept away by the deluge as the nearby Adagum River turned into a roaring nightmare. The streets of Krymsk are now mostly deserted. The town looks like the set of a post-apocalyptic movie, RT’s Denis Bolotsky reports from the scene. 
Over 170 people lost their lives after the entire city was completely submerged by flood waters on Saturday. But the death toll is likely to rise as rescuers reportedly continue to recover bodies. Read More
Upcoming Rio+20 environmental summit is little solace for people in the grips of possibly the worst drought in decades. 

Picos, Brazil -  Even a nonagenarian like Jose Vincente da Rocha is stunned by its severity. "For a long time I never experienced a drought like this one," he said. "The last one I remember like this was in 1932." That is saying a lot, given that he is 95 years old. In a couple of weeks, more than 100 heads of state and thousands of environmentalists from all over the world will be in Rio de Janeiro for the UN Rio+20 environmental summit, billed as the biggest and most important meeting of its kind. Most participants will meet in air-conditioned hotels and conference centres discussing how to save the planet. Part of the talks, for sure, will be about access to water.

FRAILE, Mexico—The worst drought on record in various parts of Mexico has destroyed millions of acres of cropland and left millions of livestock without food, leading to fears about potential food shortages at a time when U.S. states like Texas are also suffering unusually dry weather.
More than half of the national territory has fallen prey to the drought, with dried-up streams in northern states like Coahuila turning into cattle graves and some towns lying abandoned as people flee the drought. More than 3.7 million acres of agriculture have been lost, an area larger than Connecticut.
"I've never seen a drought so intense," said Sergio Ruiz, a livestock producer in Coahuila who has spent most of the year dragging his cattle's carcasses into graves. He has lost 70 head of cattle and is considering moving to nearby Saltillo.

Torrential downpours and flooding have brought havoc to parts of the UK with the heavy rain and thundery showers due to continue in to early next week.
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PHILADELPHIA — Americans dipped into the water, went to the movies and rode the subway just to be in air conditioning Saturday for relief from unrelenting heat that has killed 30 people across half the country. The heat sent temperatures soaring over 100 degrees in several cities, including a record 105 in Washington, St. Louis (106), and Indianapolis (104), buckled highways and derailed a Washington-area train even as another round of summer storms threatened.
If people ventured outside to do anything, they did it early. But even then, the heat was stifling.

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