A note from Paul Sandhu: I began this blog about 4 years ago with
the express intent of using this platform to impart to readers a Biblical
understanding of the times that we live in. About a quarter of the Bible is
prophetic and there is a great deal of information in its pages to forewarn us
of events that will transpire as this world meets its long prophesied demise.
Lately, due to some time constraints, I have been linking News reports and News
videos on the blog rather than write original articles. I believe it is time
for me to go back to the roots of this blog which are grounded in scripture and
prophecy, and spend more time writing and updating older articles that I have
written rather than simply link News reports. I will certainly link News
reports that are relevant to End Time prophecies. So please look for more
prophecy and scripture related articles and News reports that are relevant to
prophetic topics on this blog. I will also be posting many more videos on the
fulfillment of, or imminent fulfillment of End Times prophecies that those of
you watching and praying may find uplifting.
Thank you for your support and may God bless all of you who read
and share this information.
Article titled:
published 02/25/2009
Matthew 24:3 And as
he (Jesus) sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately,
saying, Tell us, when shall these things be?
what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
This blog has been created to
give a biblical perspective on the soon coming end of the world. Though it may
may sound sensationalistic yet the fact of the matter is that the coming real
world events will be far more incredible than anything we can presently
When the disciples questioned
Jesus about the end, they phrased the question in two parts:
1. What
shall be the sign of thy coming?
2. What
shall be the sign of the end of the world?
So we can safely conclude that
the second coming of Jesus Christ is inextricably connected with the end of the
world. The second coming of Jesus needs little in the way of explanation in
that it simply means that Jesus Christ will once again appear on the Earth in
bodily form as he first did some 2000 years ago. In subsequent blogs I will
discuss in greater detail the exact implications and the methodology of Christ's
return to Earth as King of kings, and Lord of lords, and to assume the
government of this Earth from the wicked usurpers that presently rule and
reign upon it as the representatives of Satan whom the Bible identifies as the
god of this world. (
2 Cor. 4:4) However, the phrase
end of the world' as quoted in
Matthew 24:3 needs must be clarified
since in no way, shape, or form does it imply the end of the Earth itself.
2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in
the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements
shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein
shall be burned up.
The apostle Peter did
forewarn us that one day this present Earth will indeed be burned up with
fervent heat and be destroyed. As an aside, the Bible teaches that God is
Living Intelligent Sentient Energy through which all matter was created. In
this act, as described by the apostle Peter, of the burning up of the elements
by fervent heat, the process is reversed whereby matter is once again converted
back into the energy from which it originated. The fact remains that one day in
the future this Earth will indeed be vaporized, literally! However, that day is
not the same time as when Jesus Christ returns and of the end of this world.
What we need to understand is what the disciples meant by the phrase, and of
the end of the world?
definition of 'WORLD' according to the Bible
The word 'World' in the
context of the above scripture does not mean an end of the physical Earth but
rather the end of a system or systems that govern and control the inhabitants
of this present age. This present age may be defined as the period of time that
began with the fall of man in the Garden of Eden to the time when Jesus Christ
returns and wrests control of the government of this world from Satan. Satan is
identified in the bible as the god of this world: what that means is that he is
the god of the system (s) that governs this world. The system can be simply
identified as the system of commerce that began back in the days of Babylon
after the flood of Noah. In the present day this system is enshrined in
merchant banking or investment banking as it is presently called. The merchant
bankers of this world are literally the representatives of Satan since they
control commerce on this Earth through a system devised by Satan himself. This
is becoming very clear in these days because of the Economic chaos that is now
engulfing the whole world. This orchestrated economic collapse is an early
warning sign that Christ Jesus will indeed soon be returning and this system
will forever be destroyed; the world will literally end as we presently
know it. Under the rule and reign of Jesus Christ, commerce will not reign
supreme; the insidious or rather satanic system of economic enslavement through
perpetual usury, as devised by the merchant bankers, will be forever
eliminated. This present economic turmoil is a necessary first step in tying
all of the economies of the world together by first destroying all of the
economies of the world together.
This world economic destruction
must be centered upon the economy of the United States, which is the biggest
economy of this world. This is the real reason for the globalization and
internationalization of banking and trade all throughout the 20th
century but at a much accelerated pace over the last 30 years. Therefore no
matter what the rhetoric coming out of Washington or London or Beijing, there
will be no solution presented that will take the world back to where it was at
the end of the last century, or even at the end of last year (2012.)
Matthew 24:21 “For then shall be great
tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time,
no, nor ever shall be.”
Jesus did forewarn us that
in these last days when the whore of Babylon system (Revelation 18) that has
tormented mankind for almost 5000 years will be in its death throes there will
be great tribulation upon the entire world.
The word TRIBULATION in the
above scripture means
To crush,
Press down upon,
Compress, squeeze, as in a vice,
How many people worldwide are
feeling economically crushed, squeezed, and in trouble, turmoil and affliction?
I regret to say that things will only get worse, and worse, and worse…
The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are
3. Pandemic
disease (s) and famine
4. Complete
breakdown of social order
Once again I regret to inform my
readers that it is not just the economy! Collapse of the social order is
brewing across the globe as witnessed by recent protests in Greece, France,
England, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia and other Eastern European nations. Since the
article was originally written, we have witnessed the Arab Spring with Egypt,
Tunisia, Morocco and other North Africa countries in great turmoil, and a state
of revolution. A completely unjustified war has destroyed a once stable and
prosperous Libya; Syria is in the throes of a brutal civil war that has been
fomented by forces and peoples far beyond its own borders. Greece is fast
becoming a third world nation, with Portugal and Spain, and even Italy not far
behind. India and China are experiencing high crushing inflation. There are
around two dozen mass protests across China on a daily basis against the regime
that rewards a few handsomely while brutally crushing and exploiting the
majority. Daily protests are also the norm in Brazil and other countries in
Latin America. East African countries like Kenya, Uganda, and Sudan are experiencing
more than their share of ‘Terroristic’, and revolutionary activity, as are some
Far East countries like Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
Rage against the System is
building like a volcano as more and more people lose their jobs and livelihood,
and these eruptions will get more explosive with each passing year. Economic
collapses always lead to social upheavals that are frequently masked by the
powers that be by starting wars to divert attention away from domestic
problems. The scale of this fully orchestrated economic collapse suggests a
coming war that would involve the whole world since this economic problem is a
global one, and on a scale that has never before been witnessed in history. Do
the words of Jesus not ring true now that there will be great tribulation, such
as was not since the beginning of the world? The vise has only just been
begun to be tightened, wait and see what’s coming over the next months and
To be continued…
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