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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Economic Collapse Update - 071012 Warning! System Failure Imminent!

This is one of those times when it would be appropriate to say 'We told you so!' The subject of my last two video reports was FRAUD being the NORM in Too Big to Fail banks and investment firms like Barclay's JP Morgan, Deutschebank, Goldman Sachs etc. The bigger FRAUD are the Central banks themselves like the US FED, Bank of England, the ECB and others. So in reality there is no market, there is only FRAUD. And more and more evidence of this comes to light on a regular basis and faster than ever before. The probable reason these FRAUDS such as the LIBOR fraud and the MF Global fraud are actually coming to light is that the Global Financial game is pretty much over and it is not possible to hide the FRAUD any longer because the sheer scale of the FRAUD is so huge that it is going to bring the SYSTEM down; it may happen much sooner than we anticipate. As this game has wound down these past 4 years, people have developed a sense of complacency, thinking the game will last indefinitely. However, these events like MF Global, the LIBOR fraud and now this PFG revelation are alarming signals that the Global Economic Titanic is taking water faster and faster, and will keel over and sink any moment now!

Reuters Article on PFGBest:


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